Dnes sa na serveri AllFacebook objavila správa o Hoaxe, ktorý sa šíri internetom, a vyznieva celkom zábavne. Hoax totiž tvrdí, že Facebook skončí 15 Marca kvôli tomu, že má príliš vela členov.
Dear Facebook members, Facebook is supposed to be closing down March 15th because it is becoming very overpopulated. There have been many members complaining that Facebook is becoming very slow. Records show that there are many active Facebook members and also many new members. We will be sending this message around to see if members are active or not. If you are active please send to 15 other users using copy+paste to show that you are still active. Those who do not send this message within 2 weeks will be deleted without hesitation to make more space. Send this me>ssage to all of your friends to show that you are still active and you will not be deleted. Founder of Facebook. Remember to send this to 15 other people so your account wont be deleted.
Stále sa čudujem dvom veciam. Prvá, že sa to vôbec ešte nieokomu oplatí šíriť, a druhá, že sa nájde pravdepodobne dosť ľudí, ktorý takýmto Hoaxom ešte stále veria.
Zdroj: Allfacebook